The truth of your Divine Feminine wisdom lies deep within your womb. This sacred energy contains your biggest expression of life and is a vessel of consciousness.
Womb medicine is your innate guide on this journey.
Your womb space is your power center. It’s your epicenter of wisdom and consciousness and perhaps you may have forgotten that. But I’m here to help remind you of the innate power and intelligence you possess.
Do you listen to your womb’s profound wisdom?
Are you ready to receive her guidance?
Are you open to connecting with the part of you that truly knows your inner strength?
But how do you allow your womb to guide you and offer her a space to heal?
You connect with your womb in ceremony, with sisters, honoring her incredible innate power, and being fully present with her energy.
And I invite you to open up to the wisdom of your womb in a sacred Rite of the Womb ceremony.
In this container, we’ll gather as sisters and harness the energy of our sacred womb, passing down the lineage that originated from the elders in the Amazonian jungle. This Rite was given to Marcela Lobos in 2013 through a lineage of women who had freed themselves from suffering by remembering the wisdom of their wombs.
The Rite of the Womb is part of the Munay-ki evolutionary process. There are nine Rites of initiation and the thirteenth one shared separately is the Rite of the Womb.
The Jaguar carries the feminine spirit of the jungle in the element of water, she reminds us to embrace the darkness, to remember who we are and to reclaim our inner power.
When we heal our wombs, we are healing lifetimes for our lineage, past, present, and future.
The womb expresses the energy of love, fear, creativity, sensuality, and all expressions of life. In her awakened state, your womb is a bridge between two worlds. She is the seat of your soul, and your wellspring of feminine wisdom, the most potent power through which you can serve life and create on all levels.
Healing starts within.
This initiation is an empowering energetic connection, creating a sacred ritual that you can carry with you and pass on to others. It’ll help you release any emotional or energetic blockages and past trauma you may have around your womb, opening up to healing and releasing what no longer serves you.
When you create rituals with life transitions, you honor the energetic shift and wisdom that is part of the continuation of life, and all that is.
As you initiate into the Rite of the Womb, and become a rite holder, you become a steward of life, conscious of her energy, healing not only ourselves but as Earth keepers, healing Mother Earth and the womb of Pachamama.
Heal one, heal all.
This ceremony is a sacred container for you to reclaim yourself; your Divine Feminine Being and your inherent worth. You are worthy of balance. You are worthy of health. You are worthy of pure love and joy in this lifetime.
We’ll also unearth the creative expression of your womb and sacral chakra through gentle movement, meditation, music and herbs that heal and spark joy in your auric field.
During our time together you’ll:
Connect deeply with your womb through meditation, journaling, movement, and more to cultivate a sanctuary of healing for yourself.Unleash a powerful energy flow, clearing fear and pain from your womb space. Ignite the birth of your new life and creative endeavors.
Awaken as a Womb Keeper, empowered to guide and share the transformative Womb Rite Ceremony with others.
It’s your birthright to have a clear and healthy womb space, your womb wellness is imperative to your overall health and full expression of joy. It’s time for you to awaken to your feminine power.
By healing your womb, you’re healing your relationship with your mother, your sisters, and your daughters and cycling this energetic pathway back to your Mother Earth, and to the sacred waters of Pachamama. The womb is for creation, and to give birth to all life; and that we will. Bring yourself and an open heart.
Exchange: $66
Space is limited for this sacred ceremony. As we acknowledge all Beings have a womb space, this container is for women only.
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