Welcome, I’m honored to have you here

Hi again beautiful soul! Thank you for being here and for taking your time to learn a little bit more about me and to connect. I’m Jacqui, an ever-evolving soul on this path of life sharing my gifts of healing with others and creating sacred spaces for women to heal and commune. 

MY story

As a Reiki Master Teacher on the Seacost, Energy Healer, Wombkeeper, mama, wife, sister, and daughter, I have a passion for guiding women on their journey back to themselves. I’m so glad our paths are crossing. If you’re like me and believe in the higher frequencies of life, then you know that we’re all connected, and you’re meant to be here.

For me, the portal of motherhood opened up another dimension of feeling the embodiment of the Divine Feminine and the power of the womb. Birthing life, and all creative expressions through the sacred space of a womb. 

Motherhood is a spiritual practice. 

I have immense gratitude for the experience of Motherhood taking me to places within I would have never gone before. It’s truly been my greatest teacher on this journey. And so much of my ability to flow with it all is because of the energetic, wellness, and grounding tools I’ve gathered from my teachers and intuitive voice.

Everything you’ve ever wanted to know is inside of you. It’s not outside, it’s within you.

Life is always happening for you and when you can align your heart with the true essence of your soul’s desires, you create more peace and ease in your life. 

I’m so excited to share the tools and techniques I’ve learned to help empower you along your journey. You can feel your most radiant self when you’re supported, it takes a village so let’s build that village together. 

I love helping my clients and community discover their energetic vitality and balance themselves through energy healing and empowering support. This portal of healing is available to everyone. When you become aware of your energy, and take responsibility for it, you begin to see the beautiful impact of elevation and brightness in your life…elevate within!

Since 2012 I’ve been practicing Usui Reiki and became a Usui Reiki Mater Teacher in 2018. With a background in Polarity Therapy, Integrative Energy Therapy, Mediumship, The Rite of the Womb, and Intuitive Development, my healing sessions are divinely guided in what you need for your highest and best in that moment. A student of the medicinal plant and mineral world, I love using essential oils and crystals in my healing sessions and at workshops.

Witnessing transformation is my fuel.

Whether it's guiding clients towards a sense of well-being through in-person or distant energy work, empowering students to become healers themselves, or gathering women in sacred circle– seeing lives shift and blossom fills me with joy.

I love being a bridge.

I help clients reconnect with their inner light, using energy work to help you self-realize and ignite your full potential. For students, I provide the tools and knowledge to embark on their own healing journeys, ultimately allowing them to pay it forward and empower others. I especially love sharing Reiki and seeing the Reiki ripple effect of it being used and shared in the world.

Together, we create a ripple effect of positive change.

This is the heartbeat of my work, and I invite you to be a part of it.