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Mother & Daughter Rite of the Womb Ceremony

Join us for a special Rite of the Womb Ceremony for Mothers and Daughter(s) where each Mother and Daughter will be held and seen in their Divine Feminine power and connect from one womb to another.

The relationship of the Mother and Daughter is sacred, as with all children that sacred relationship exists. Yet, there is something so magical about the uniqueness and impact of the Mother:Daughter bond. 


The creatrix of life. 

The emotional home. 

The guide.


The mirror.

The continuation of lineage. 

The guided. 

Both giving and receiving unconditional love. 

And it’s this love that is the glue of this sacred bond.

Creating rituals and connecting with the Divine Feminine Power of the womb facilitates a deeper Mother: Daughter connection. By receiving the Rite of the Womb you help heal and bring peace and empowerment through you, strengthening your bond together for yourself, your lineage, and future generations. 

In this container, we’ll gather as Mothers and Daughters and harness the energy of our sacred womb, passing down the Rite that originated from the elders in the Amazonian jungle. 

This Rite was given to Marcela Lobos in 2013 through a lineage of women who had freed themselves from suffering by remembering the wisdom of their wombs. The Rite of the Womb is part of the Munay-ki evolutionary process. There are nine Rites of initiation and the thirteenth one shared separately is the Rite of the Womb.

When we heal our wombs, we are healing lifetimes for our lineage, past, present, and future. 

The womb expresses the energy of love, fear, creativity, sensuality, and all expressions of life. In her awakened state, your womb is a bridge between two worlds. She is the seat of your soul, and your wellspring of Divine Feminine wisdom, the most potent power through which you can serve life and create on all levels. 

In our ceremony, we’ll honor each womban for who they are in this lifetime. 

Honor the mother who gave us life and the awakening of our own life as the daughter.

Honoring the daughter that was created as a blessing and knowing there is an unbreakable bond. 

Healing starts within. 

Our womb is a sacred wellspring of wisdom. By bringing awareness to this space, you consciously create healing and elevate your womb and energetic blueprint for your lineage and future generations. 

During our time together you’ll:

  • Connect deeply with your womb through meditation, journaling, movement, and more to cultivate a sanctuary of healing for yourself.

  • Unleash a powerful energy flow, clearing fear and pain from your womb space. Ignite the birth of your new life and creative endeavors.

  • Awaken as a Womb Keeper, empowered to guide and share the transformative Womb Rite Ceremony with others.

The energetic transmission will help you release emotional or energetic blockages and any past trauma you may have around your womb, allowing you to open up to healing and releasing what no longer serves you. 

When you create rituals with life transitions, you honor the energetic shift and wisdom that is part of the continuation of life, and all that is. 

As you initiate into the Rite of the Womb, and become a rite holder, you become a steward of life, conscious of her energy, healing not only ourselves but as Earth keepers, healing Mother Earth and the womb of Pachamama. 

Heal one, heal all. 

This ceremony is a sacred container for you as Mother or Daughter to reclaim yourselves and the bond of Mother and Daughter in receiving and giving the Rite of the Womb. 

All mothers and daughters welcome, suggested daughter age of 18+. Space is limited.

When: May 5th from 11 am - 1:30 pm

Where: at Elevate Within inside of RISE Wellness Collective at 266 York St., York, ME

Exchange: $66 per womban

June 9

Usui Reiki Level One