The answers you seek are already within you

Create space for your life to flow

Welcome! This is a sacred space for you to be seen, heard, and held in unconditional loving hands and heart. No matter where you are in your healing journey, we empower you through holistic energetic support, classes, events, and more to elevate your body. mind, and Soul.

Upcoming events

  • Rite of the Womb Ceremony

    9/8/24 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM

    Connect with the wisdom and energy of your womb space in this sacred ceremony among sisters to create healing, peace, and creativity within your womb.

  • Reiki Share

    9.22.24 | 3:30 PM - 5 :00 PM

    Practice and receive Reiki in a supportive container so you can connect with the energy, meet like-minded people, and welcome in self-care.

  • Usui Reiki Level Two

    10.20.24 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM

    Expand your understanding of Reiki and step into Usui Reiki Level Two. This is a significant step in your Reiki journey. Reiki Level Two empowers you with three sacred symbols that amplify the energy flow and allow you to perform distance healing- meaning you can send healing energy to someone who is not present. Continue your Reiki journey with Level Two!

Hello, Beautiful Soul

Hi, and welcome! I'm Jacqui. I’m so glad you landed here. You are meant to be in this space. I believe in the soulful thread of life, of the human connection through healing and community, and I can’t wait to connect.

More than just titles like wife, mama, and friend, I'm a soul explorer on a mission to help women like you reconnect with their true selves.

Feeling like you lost your spark? We all have a unique soul-light within us, and sometimes life dims it. Through 1:1 Energy Healing sessions, Reiki classes, and empowering events, I’ll help guide you on a journey to rediscover your authentic self.

Isn't that what life's about? Remembering who you are, coming back home to your truest self, and sharing your radiant voice with the world. I'm here to support you in that journey. You deserve to be seen, heard, and celebrated for the beautiful soul you are.

Deep down, you know you're meant for a life filled with ease, love, and the expression of your true essence. And guess what? That power lies within you! Let's work together, through personalized sessions and inspiring workshops, to help you tap into that inner light and step confidently into the flow of your purpose.

I can't wait to connect!

Support for you

  • Healing hands on woman's head

    Energy Healing Sessions

    Through Reiki, Polarity Therapy, Integrated Energy Therapy, and Intuition, our curated Energy Healing sessions support your entire Being and Soul.

  • Crystals and lavender

    Classes and Events

    Looking to enhance your spiritual toolbox?! Join us for a class or event and elevate your mind, body, and Soul.

  • Soulcare Products

    Deeply nourish your Soul through our handcrafted and Reiki-infused products. Coming Soon!

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